iDigital: Automated Customs Records Saves on Data Entry Time

iDigital is a premium reseller for Apple, importing tens of thousands of Apple products that must be released from customs authorities.

Pain Point: iDigital receives all types of customs-related records from Apple that require manual checking to confirm that the number of items received match the orders. All of the relevant data was manually entered into Priority, including importation of files and related information. Multiple days per month were lost to these tasks.

Results: Using DOConvert, Apple’s customs files are analyzed, the relevant data is extracted in seconds, import files are automatically opened, and the information is entered into Priority, without any human intervention.

Testimonial: “Thanks to DOConvert, we have saved 220 hours per month in data entry costs by using the intelligent data extraction.” Oxana V, CFO

Process overview

DOConvert revolutionizes B2B communications with cutting-edge technology that automates data extraction – a platform that extracts relevant data from any document type and integrates the data into your digital records system, without human intervention.
Our advanced technology automatically maps, recognizes, parses and processes data from complex documents in mere seconds, enhancing operational speed, boosting efficiency, and drastically reducing your costs.

With DOConvert, you are “hands-free.” You no longer need to copy/paste, or retype critical information embedded in your documents. Data contained in emails, purchase orders, invoices, and much more can be extracted and entered into existing systems in seconds.
Gone is the cumbersome, time-consuming, error-prone, data entry, saving you and your company time and money.

DOConvert revolutionizes B2B communications with cutting-edge technology that automates data extraction – a platform that extracts relevant data from any document type and integrates the data into your digital records system, without human intervention.
Our advanced technology automatically maps, recognizes, parses and processes data from complex documents in mere seconds, enhancing operational speed, boosting efficiency, and drastically reducing your costs.

Additional case studies

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