Iscar: 100% Departmental Digitization

ISCAR is a multinational metal cutting tool company affiliated with one of the world’s largest metalworking conglomerates, the IMC Group. The conglomerate consists of 110 companies across the globe, operating in  60 different languages, but all working with the same ERP system.

Pain Point: The company determined that by 2022, all purchasing documents would be digitally imported into their ERP system, yet the greatest challenge came from supply chain documents. Different shipping companies, suppliers, and customers all had different documents  with data embedded in different fields, or sometimes handwritten. More than 60% of purchase documents were manually entered due to the lack of uniformity in documentation from outside of ISCAR.

Results: Using DOConvert, all documents at ISCAR are scanned, analyzed and automatically entered into their ERP system. ISCAR was able to reduce personnel in customer service costs by 50% and met its goal of going “fully digital” in its purchasing departments. Today, DOCument handles more than 80% of ISCAR’s customer orders.

Testimonial: “DOConvert is a resounding success. It transformed our operations, saved money, and met our goals of digitizing our shipping and customer service departments.” Tzahi N, CIO, ISCAR. Click here to listen to ISCAR’s story. 

Process overview

DOConvert revolutionizes B2B communications with cutting-edge technology that automates data extraction – a platform that extracts relevant data from any document type and integrates the data into your digital records system, without human intervention.
Our advanced technology automatically maps, recognizes, parses and processes data from complex documents in mere seconds, enhancing operational speed, boosting efficiency, and drastically reducing your costs.

With DOConvert, you are “hands-free.” You no longer need to copy/paste, or retype critical information embedded in your documents. Data contained in emails, purchase orders, invoices, and much more can be extracted and entered into existing systems in seconds.
Gone is the cumbersome, time-consuming, error-prone, data entry, saving you and your company time and money.

DOConvert revolutionizes B2B communications with cutting-edge technology that automates data extraction – a platform that extracts relevant data from any document type and integrates the data into your digital records system, without human intervention.
Our advanced technology automatically maps, recognizes, parses and processes data from complex documents in mere seconds, enhancing operational speed, boosting efficiency, and drastically reducing your costs.

Additional case studies

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